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Fitbit Inspire HR Review

Fitbits are a brand of smartwatch that primarily focus on exercise. There are several types of watches out there built for any lifestyle under the sun. Two years ago, I got the Fitbit Inspire HR and had used it almost every day since then. There are a few pros and cons to this tracker so, buyer beware.

  • They don't last long.

My first Inspire lasted almost a year, which is impressive considering that it handled all-day use. However, I never knew why it died on me. It had an 80 percent battery, it had no cracks, and it was acting completely normal. I did swim with it, but it's waterproof. It had even withstood the ocean. One day it just died and refused to charge or sync with my phone.

  • It comes with a free app.

I actually love this feature. The watch syncs with your phone via Bluetooth and reports data almost instantly. You can see how many miles you've gone and how many calories you've burned. That is standard for most smartwatches, but the app is efficient and easy to navigate. I've noticed that it doesn't drain my phone's battery either.

  • Fitbit constantly pushes its membership.

I understand that it's marketing and the creators of these programs put effort into the perks you get with membership. My only gripe is that the notifications are constant, and you already paid for the watch. It would be different if you were a free member on the app and could pay to get more content, but for the app to actually work, you would need to pay a minimum of $100 for one of their watches. Maybe it's just not for me.

  • The band doesn't chafe.

Other users have pointed this out, but the band is comfortable. It's easy to clean and lightweight. Sometimes I forget I'm wearing it. The color is subtle, so I don't worry about it sticking out.

  • The battery life is amazing.

Once this thing is's CHARGED. I think the longest I've gone without plugging it in is four days. That being said, I wouldn't let it get past 75 percent. Maybe it's my paranoia after my first one broke but giving it time to cool down is a must. The longer battery life is helpful if you're tracking your sleep or your resting heart rate.

  • The charger is convenient.

A lot of people don't like short cords on chargers, so this one is subjective. Personally, the size of the charger makes it easy to store, especially if you travel a lot. It's also a USB charger which pairs nicely with other products.

  • It tells you your heart zones.

I like that the tracker shows me my heart rate in both resting and exercising states. It breaks up your zones into four categories. Rest, fat burn, cardio, and peak. It's made it easier to pace myself while working out and has helped me determine what resting heart rate is best for me. Wearing it while you sleep gives you a more accurate score, so keep that in mind.

  • It has a sleep mode.

In the settings, it's called Screen Wake. Whenever you turn your arm, the face of the watch lights up. Having a Screen Wake option means that the face can stay dark, so it doesn't wake you up if you're sleeping with it. The same goes for notifications. The watch can ignore texts while you sleep.

Would I recommend the Fitbit Inspire Hr? Yes. Having a fitness tracker motivated me to be active. Having important information stored on your phone makes it easier to plan your fitness routine and set realistic goals. If you can find a coupon code or snag one during Black Friday, go for it. Hopefully, this helped you. Best of luck during your fitness journey!

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