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Fifteen Self-Care Tips to Help Restore Your Energy

Self-care is a topic that has entered online conversations fairly recently. What counts as self-care is highly debated, and I agree that this process is not all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes, self-care can be overwhelming. If you are looking for some wholesome pick-me-up ideas, however, I got you covered. Here are fifteen self-care tips that I have learned.

  • Go to bed early.

I honestly hate being told to do this. It can be hard to focus on prioritizing rest, but I promise it pays off. Having extra rest on eventful days is a great way to conserve energy.

  • Use nice soaps.

This one is my go-to. If you have farmer's markets in your area, chances are you can find a soap vendor. Taking a long shower or a bubble bath is a good stress reliever for tough days.

  • Drink lots of water.

It's become a running joke that "drinking lots of water <3" is one of the most half-baked pieces of advice out there. True, drinking water won't fix all your problems, but it helps a lot more than I initially thought. Having colorful water bottles has made building this habit easier. Keeping timers on your phone or following wholesome Instagram pages reminding you to stay hydrated can be a sprinkle of positivity for your day. Constantly drinking water has helped clear my skin as well.

  • Go on a walk.

Exercise is deemed a cure-all of a bad day. While moving your body can provide several health benefits, adding the pressure of intense workout regimens can scare away anyone. Instead, just go for a walk. If you live near a nature reserve, check out one of their hiking trails. If you live in a city, take a few minutes to walk around and take in the atmosphere. I'm sure it's a great way to get to know a new location. Not to mention, it helps you get steps in.

  • Call a friend.

Talking on the phone has also morphed into a running joke. People hate it as much as they hate being told to drink water. I understand completely, but I've found that chatting with friends on the phone is less stressful and a way to catch up with the people you love. It's good to be up to date on your friend's life and vice-versa. Talking about memories and planning new adventures is helps keep you connected with the people around you.

  • Take a nap.

If you're sleeping schedule is off, and you're tired, just rest. Take a nap. I've seen a lot of dislike surrounding naps for young adults, but sleeping on certain situations helps you mentally recoup. It's almost like a time-out or a break.

  • Eat a meal.

Whenever I find myself in a burnt-out state, I ask myself three questions. Am I tired, need water, or hungry? If I'm hungry, eating a meal restores my energy. A meal is really up to interpretation. Making a sandwich with chips can be a meal, as can ordering delivery. Take time to make sure that your body is nourished.

  • Write about things that make you happy.

I always found these prompts to be cheesy until I tried them. As an avid journal writer, inserting a gratitude prompt can really help lighten my mood. I recommend looking for more direct questions. An open answer question like "what makes you happy" can make you overwhelmed. Instead, try to find niches in life that you are appreciative of. My all-time favorite prompt is this:

"What are your favorite things about nature?"

It gives a broad topic with specific connotations, and it brings me a lot of joy. I hope it does the same for you.

  • Rearrange your room.

This can be as simple as moving your mattress upside down or as complex as repositioning every piece of furniture you have. Change can be a good thing, especially if life feels stagnant. Rearranging your room gives you a chance to control said change, in my opinion. Finding a new layout for your space can make it more functional.

  • Deep clean your living space.

Cleaning is something that I procrastinate a lot on. Sooner or later, dust will gather, and laundry baskets will overfill. Cleaning my space helps ground me. It gives me a chance to make sure things are sanitary, especially in bathrooms. If you haven't in the past month, SCRUB YOUR SHOWER/TOILET. Doing it consistently means it's not harboring so many germs.

  • Light a candle.

Maybe it's a little more sentimental than the other ideas, but lighting a scented candle can help you turn your attention elsewhere. It's more of a pick-me-up than self-care, but if you love the beach, try to find ocean-scented candles. Keep an eye out for Bath and Bodywork's semi-annual sale, which is how I got my nostalgia-inducing candles.

  • Take care of a house plant.

I have an entire post dedicated to my favorite house plants for beginners. I'll keep this one brief, but caring for a piece of nature helps you feel connected to the world. Plants add life to a room and have several benefits.

  • Get some sunlight.

If possible, getting some sun can be an effective self-care method. Of course, you want to wear sunscreen and never stare into the sun. That being said, watching the sunrise or set can be relaxing. Plus, it's the best way to get vitamin D.

  • Drink some green tea.

I know that I ~just~ told you to drink water, but adding green tea to your daily has a ton of benefits as well. Did you know it's actually considered one of the healthiest teas in the world? On a good day, I start and wrap up my day with some green tea. The drink is delicious, healthy, and adds a structure to my day.

  • Journal.

Writing out your feelings can help you process them. Even if you write that you have nothing to say, it helps. It gives you time to critically look at your day and find what went well and what didn't. Writing gives you a space to talk about the gratitude prompts that I mentioned earlier. If nothing else, it helps you plan for the day ahead.

I know that finding the motivation for doing these activities is easier said than done. If you find yourself able to try any of these tips, I hope they bring you as much happiness as they have brought me. Best of luck!

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