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Crystal Terms Beginners Need To Know

My Smokey Rutilated Quartz

Hey everyone! A few months ago, I made a cheat sheet about terms in the crystal world (right here.) Towards the end of the post, I mentioned expanding the list if need be. So, here we are. Today we are going into some more crystal terms that beginners need to know.

  • Testing

Crystal testing is (in theory) just like food allergy testing. If you want to see how a crystal affects you carry the piece with you and focus on your feelings/energy. It depends on the crystal, but you can tell whether or not you like it in a few days. If it works, you can put it in a personal rotation or keep it somewhere you visit often.

  • Cleansing

Cleansing is basically refreshing the energy of crystals. You can do this with incense, water, moonlight, sunlight, selenite, burying in the earth, and all that fun stuff. There's more to it than that, so please read the end of the post.

  • Sun damage

Some crystals (usually Quartz) can get damaged if exposed to the sun for too long. So, a specimen like amethyst would go from purple to gray. Be careful when using the sun to cleanse your crystals.

  • Water compatible

Crystals are a concoction of chemicals, and some are not safe for ingesting/storing crystals in. For example, bumblebee Jasper has Sulfur in it, so don’t drink any water it’s been in. Other crystals like labradorite, malachite, and selenite dissolve in water. If it ends in ite keep it out of water/any humid area in the house.

  • Charging

Charging your crystals means that you are programming them. Basically, you’re setting your intentions/boundaries/manifestations with them. You have to be upfront with your intentions.

There you have it! It's good to post again. I'm excited to share more crystal content with you guys! This post goes out to a friend who asked me these questions when they started getting into crystals. Hopefully, these answer any questions that beginners may have. That's it, for now, thank you for stopping by! If you want to support this blog, please comment and share with a friend.

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